
How Marsh & McLennan Strategically Invests in Its Finance Team
How Marsh & McLennan strategically invests in its finance team.


Navigating the Top Tasks in Treasury
Access the Treasury in Practice guide, underwritten by GTreasury, that delves into the crucial tasks at various levels in treasury, including assistant treasurer, treasury manager, and treasury analyst.


Focus on the Strategic with a Self-Correcting Team
Executive Coach and BreakThrough Treasury & Finance keynote Sarah Levitt spoke to the AFP Conversations podcast about high-performing teams.


Corporates Make Slow Return to Prime Money Funds
Learn about the gradual return of treasury departments to prime money market funds, which were previously a primary cash management tool for corporates.


Australia’s Real Time Payments System Released to the Public
Last week, real-time, data-rich payments were released to the public in Australia. With this launch, corporates and consumers all across Australia can now transfer funds instantly.


How FP&A and Investor Relations Intersect in Work and Career Pathways
FP&A and investor relations share a similar family tree, have elements that look the same, but maintain separate identities. They each have good information to offer each other that can make both parties better at their responsibilities. They also represent potential intertwining career paths and potentially broadening career development for the finance professional.


Managing Gray Swan Events
AFP's new Executive Guide, underwritten by OpenLink, provides insights on how treasury and finance executives can address gray swan events.


NACHA, Accenture Team Up for API Standardization
NACHA and Accenture have joined forces to support API standardization across the U.S. payments system.


KYC: It’s Time to Put All Your Data in One Place
What would a centralized KYC repository look like and what problems could its implementation run into? Tom Hunt, CTP, Director of Treasury Services at AFP dives into this idea.


Excel: Finance's Universal Language
Since the late 1980s Excel has dominated the financial reporting landscape and the software shows no signs of wearing down.


3 Ways Budgets Guide and Reflect Your Organization’s Culture
Understand the relationship between budgeting and organizational culture, as revealed in the results of the 2017 FP&A survey on the relevance of budgets.


AFP Makes Recommendations for Same Day ACH Expansion
Read AFP's response to NACHA's request for comment on expanding Same Day ACH, supporting the initiative while offering recommendations for its optimal implementation.


IFRS 9 Offers Treasurers New Hedging Opportunities
With the New Year comes the new accounting standard for financial instruments, IFRS 9, which replaces the IAS 39 regulations.


CTP Body of Knowledge Committee: Volunteers Needed
AFP is seeking experts to participate on the CTP Body of Knowledge Committee. The Committee has a vital role in the editorial process of The Essentials of Treasury Management.


Setting Your Risk Appetite Amid High Volatility
Organizations must establish their risk appetite as they plan around volatility. All businesses incur a degree of risk, but how much they want to take on varies heavily.


Choosing an Optimal TMS in the Changing Vendor Landscape
Before diving into the treasury management system (TMS) landscape and vendor analysis, clarify your objectives and what you aim to achieve with the TMS implementation.


FinCEN Pushes FBAR Deadline Back Further
Corporate treasury professionals have received some more FBAR relief, as FinCEN has again extended the filing deadline.


How FP&A Can Lead a System Deployment
With the increased adoption of cloud technologies, more responsibility of technology selection is shifting from IT professionals to FP&A teams.


Cash Conversion Cycles Are Sharply Shrinking. Here’s Why.
Corporations have become more efficient in managing working capital over the past few decades. This is likely due to treasury reducing inefficiencies.


New Year's Resolutions for Finance in 2018 - One for Each Month
In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, and tailored for the finance audience, my goals for 2018 of things to learn and do, one for each month.


When Does Using Interim Treasury Resources Make Sense?
In today’s world of doing more with less, using interim treasury resources can be a way of continuing to operate and achieve change initiatives.


2017 Pinnacle Awards: Hyundai Capital America
Hyundai Capital America introduced a global USD issuance strategy, which won it a 2017 AFP Pinnacle Award. The Pinnacle Awards are sponsored by Wells Fargo & Company.


AFP Mindshift: Will Technology Replace Treasury?
Jean Furter, Vice President, Treasurer for Brocade Communications Systems, explains why some treasury jobs could be phased out in the near future, and what practitioners need to do to prepare.


Surprise: Most Firms Still Do Traditional Budgeting
According to a new AFP Survey, nearly three quarters of FP&A professionals agree or strongly agree that the budget is a valuable tool.


AFP Viewpoint: How Treasurers Can Manage Card Fees
The new AFP Payments Guide, underwritten by MUFG Union Bank, aims to shed some light over the very complex nature of credit card payments.


FP&A Pros Should Learn the Taxonomy of Risk. Here's Why.
FP&A professionals focus on goal achievement, while risk management assesses potential obstacles. Learn why understanding the taxonomy of risk is crucial for FP&A professionals.


Robotic Process Automation: How Treasury Benefits
Explore how Allianz Life implemented robotic process automation (RPA) to meet cost reduction targets, providing insights into the benefits of automation within finance departments.


Finance Professionals, How Do You Deliver Bad News?
FP&A professionals discuss the ways that they deliver bad news to senior leadership.


Handling Cash Continues to Be a Pain Point for Retailers
Retail treasury professionals discussed handling cash during a retail industry roundtable at AFP 2017, sponsored by Fifth Third Bank.


FP&A: Confronting Cognitive Bias
How are FP&A professionals to know what they don’t know when the very atmosphere seems choked with unknown unknowns?


Interoperability: The Holy Grail of Blockchain
Treasury and finance professionals have heard a lot about blockchain in the past several years. But without interoperability, the technology will never truly break through.


AFP 2017 Pinnacle Awards
See the innovative solutions of this year's Pinnacle Award finalists. The Pinnacle Awards are sponsored by Wells Fargo.


Instead of a Cybersecurity Consultant, Try the ‘Uber’ Method
Security experts provided attendees of Money 2020 with a glimpse into a different approach to cybersecurity—one that relies on a network of freelance hackers to protect your system rather than a traditional consultancy.


AFP 2017: Is Treasury At Risk of Automation?
Is your treasury job at risk of someday being automated? At the AFP 2017 Executive Institute, experts debated whether practitioners’ jobs are truly in danger of being phased out—or if they are simply evolving with the times.


AFP 2017: Preparing for Operational Performance Reviews
Emmanuel Caprais, Vice President of Strategic and Financial Planning for ITT, provides some best practices for delivering operational performance reviews.


AFP Aware: Do Something Nice for Somebody Else
Financial professionals gathered for the annual AFP Aware Community Service Day, sponsored by BBVA Compass.


Mike Rowe: Get Dirty and Find Your Peripeteia
As AFP 2017 Sunday keynote speaker Mike Rowe explained, his popular show “Dirty Jobs” began with an epiphany that led to a turning point in his career.


Protecting Shared Service Centers from Fraud Threats
What makes finance shared service centers attractive—a process-driven environment that rewards speed and volume—can create blind spots that fraudsters can exploit.


The Robots Are Coming! Is Your Treasury Job Safe?
One of treasury professionals' biggest concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) is whether it will ultimately make their jobs obsolete.


5 Best Practices for Treasury and Finance Risk Managers
The good news is that strategy, data and capabilities exist to solve this problem. Furthermore, the risk management team can make progress towards building alignment immediately.


Displaying 721-760 of 1159 results.
