
Why Are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Important for FP&A?
Autonomous learning enables humans to interact with machines to get the relevant information in a fraction of the time.


AFP 2018: Capital Markets & Investments Preview
The Capital Markets and Investments track at AFP 2018 boasts an array of sessions that will help you navigate this complex new paradigm.


Retail Treasurers Are Hit By Fraud from All Sides
Retail treasurers face multiple fraud methods. BEC scams, check fraud, and card fraud are prevalent, as discussed at the 2018 AFP Retail Roundtable.


Choose Wisely: Selecting the Right Treasury System
The latest Treasury in Practice Guide, underwritten by Kyriba, explores the ins and outs of selecting a treasury management system.


12 Tips to Fix the Metric System and Deliver the Right KPIs
If you have many metrics to look at, how do you know what is important?


Preparing for the Libor Transition: A Treasury Checklist
Jennifer Earyes, Director, Treasury Risk for Navient, provides corporate treasury professionals with a checklist of what to do to prepare for the probable transition from Libor to SOFR in 2022.


Libor vs. SOFR: Big Changes Are Coming for U.S. Treasurers
There are several key actions that treasurers should consider as they prepare for a probable shift from Libor to SOFR.


Treasury’s Impact on the Financial Statements
The latest AFP Executive Guide, underwritten by Chatham Financial, explores treasury’s impact on financial statements.


Draft Day: 5 Picks You Need for Your FP&A Team
If you had to draft an all-star FP&A team, who would you recruit? What types of players would fill the positions on your team and what skills would they need to have?


New FinCEN Rules Just Made KYC Even Tougher
It now takes two to six months for new domestic and international bank accounts to be setup due to know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. And guess what, treasurers? It’s about to get worse.


Eliminating Friendly Fraud: 10 Friendly Tips from Uber
Merchants at MRC Dublin 2018 received some tips on what they can do to prevent “friendly” fraud, as well as recoup losses from it, courtesy of two experts from Uber.


10 Reasons Why Fraud Will Never Go Away
At MRC Dublin, Dr. Patrick Dixon provided a list of reasons why fraudsters will continue to thrive in this new, fraud-heavy paradigm that merchants currently find themselves in.


How Can Treasury & Finance Executives Retain Talent?
Nicole Meyer, Founder and Managing Partner of The Meyer Partnership, explains why employees leave their jobs, and what treasury and finance executives can do to retain them.


Failing Upward: Knowing When to Pull the Plug on Robotics
Learn about the challenges of implementing robotic process automation (RPA) and its potential benefits in process improvement.


BreakThrough Preview: Where is Treasury Technology Going?
Bob Stark of Kyriba will provide attendees of the BreakThrough Treasury and Finance forum with a look at the latest technology trends impacting the treasury landscape.


Controls for a Paper-Based Accounts Payables System
While some companies still rely on paper-based AP processes, controls are necessary to ensure their proper operation. Explore the importance of controls even in paper-based systems.


FBAR FAQs, Part II: FinCEN, IRS Answer Your Questions
The AFP Treasury Advisory Group recently held discussions on Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) with representatives of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the IRS.


FP&A Needs a Beacon to See Through Volatility
FP&A practitioners discuss managing volatility and aligning operations with core company attributes at FinNext in San Francisco.


Can Blockchain Solve KYC and Digital Identity? Maybe.
Blockchain proponents believe the technology has broad applications for treasury and finance. But could it solve know-your-customer (KYC) compliance?


Life Hack: What Happens When Biometrics Are Compromised?
Consider the implications of compromised biometric data, such as DNA, used for customer account access and the associated risks for treasury and finance professionals.


AFP 2018: Time for a Change-Up
AFP 2018 is all about breaking out of your regular routine. That’s why we’re introducing a number of new features this year, while expanding upon others.


AP Automation Fortifies Defenses Against Fraud, Money Leaks
It’s extremely difficult to stop money leaks in a paper-based or even a partially automated system. Reducing these losses should be part of any business case for AP automation.


Top Treasury Tasks: Cash Management and Forecasting
A majority of respondents to a recent AFP survey cite cash management and forecasting as key areas of focus for their treasury departments over the next three years.


AFP Survey: Payments Fraud Hits Record High of 78%
The 2018 AFP Payments Fraud Survey, underwritten by J.P. Morgan, revealed that payments fraud reached a new high in 2017 after a downswing earlier in the decade.


FP&A Professionals, Here’s How to Make Excel Work for You
A new FP&A guide, underwritten by Vena Solutions, examines the spectrum of ways to apply Excel, including recent advances, add-ins and third-party offerings.


Checklist: 7 Must-Have Traits for FP&A as Internal Consultants
Adopting a consulting mindset can help FP&A be better at business partnering.


Credit Agreement Refinancings: 5 Questions Answered
A number of factors drive a company’s decision to refinance its credit facility. With interest rates on the rise, what considerations are important to CFOs and treasurers?


Audience vs. Traffic: 2 Key Lessons for FP&A and Marketing
“Information... wants to be scarce and expensive.” This provocative quote has profound implications for FP&A—particularly as it relates to marketing.


AFP 2018 Preview: Treasury Management Track
In an interview at the AFP 2018 Planning Task Force meeting, Saumya Mohan, Americas Region Treasurer for Tesla, discusses planning the treasury management track.


FinNext 2018: Why Volatility Is the New Normal
During a session at FinNext 2018, financial professionals provided different perspectives on how volatility has become the “new normal” for FP&A.


BreakThrough Preview: How Treasury Can Manage Change
Gain insights into managing change efforts within treasury and finance, as discussed by John Josten, assistant treasurer of Tractor Supply Company.


FinNext 2018: The Characteristics of Superforecasters
FinNext 2018 keynote speaker Dan Gardner, Journalist and Co-Author of Superforecasting, discusses the typical characteristics of "superforecasters".


Practitioners Consider the Role of FP&A at FinNext 2018
FinNext 2018 kicked off with a special FP&A Roundtable discussion, sponsored by Peloton. Discussion centered on what FP&A should actually “be” as a function.


Top Treasury Tasks: Handling Debt and Capital Markets
As treasury’s role has become more strategic, functions such as debt issuance and conducting capital markets activities, which traditionally are under the purview of the CFO, have now fallen to treasury, according to the Strategic Role of Treasury Survey.


4 Steps to Building a Gauge Diagram in Excel
Learn how to create a gauge diagram in Excel to visualize data and compare against a set standard for effective data presentation.


Blockchain May Have Weaknesses that Proponents Overlook
The attribute blockchain proponents consistently emphasize is its immutability. In reality, the technology is more mutable than advertised and carries unique risks.


Does Your Risk Management Strategy Address U.S. Sanctions?
When thinking about risk management strategies for your company in 2018, don’t forget about risks associated with U.S. sanctions compliance.


6 Steps to an Effective Financial Statement Analysis
Effective financial statement analysis involves six steps that financial professionals should master to gain insights into a firm's financial performance.


How to Build an Atmosphere of Fraud Prevention
Fraud prevention must be a team effort, involving payment and non-payment areas alike. No one can predict which angle, function, or individual will be the vulnerable area.


Vaporized: FP&A’s Role in Sizing the Downsized Company
The main question for FP&A is whether the perceived benefits of the conglomerate can be achieved in other ways without giving up strategic benefits.


Displaying 681-720 of 1159 results.
